For Sale: Double Bed and Box Spring - $50 or best offer
(too old to reply)
2007-03-13 13:33:53 UTC
Hello all, I bought a new Queen bed and so I am selling this one.

It is a Double and includes the box spring.

I am asking $50 or best offer.

Contact me asap at delalis<at>gmail.com
or at 882.0477 (cell)
2007-03-13 13:49:18 UTC
Nobody wants your piss stained fucking mattress Spammer.



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2007-03-14 12:12:01 UTC
Post by ChrisD
Hello all, I bought a new Queen bed and so I am selling this one.
It is a Double and includes the box spring.
I am asking $50 or best offer.
Contact me asap at delalis<at>gmail.com
or at 882.0477 (cell)
Dude what ARE those stains all over the mattress??? Did you gut a
pig on that thing or what??
And if a cow had wheels,
it would be a milk truck. - Steve Linford
2007-03-27 01:46:11 UTC
Post by ChrisD
Hello all, I bought a new Queen bed and so I am selling this one.
It is a Double and includes the box spring.
I am asking $50 or best offer.
Contact me asap at delalis<at>gmail.com
or at 882.0477 (cell)
Dude what ARE those stains all over the mattress??? Did you gut a pig
on that thing or what??
Bought at the Robert Pickton's "Piggy's Palace Used Mattress Emporium"
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