For Sale: iPod Nano w/ video, 8GB $145
(too old to reply)
2008-01-12 22:15:48 UTC
I upgraded to an iPod Touch. Perfect working condition. Bought in
September. I will keep the original earbuds and replace them with the
new ones that came with the Touch. Includes the charger, box and
manual, everything that was included originally.

It's difficult to tell from the photo, but it's blue.

Full disclosure: my name and e-mail is engraved on the back.

Picture is here: http://www.facebook.com/marketplace/listing.php?classified_id=6921364279
2008-01-15 00:51:19 UTC
I upgraded to aniPodTouch. Perfect working condition. Bought in
September. I will keep the original earbuds and replace them with the
new ones that came with the Touch. Includes the charger, box and
manual, everything that was included originally.
It's difficult to tell from the photo, but it's blue.
Full disclosure: my name and e-mail is engraved on the back.
Picture is here:http://www.facebook.com/marketplace/listing.php?classified_id=6921364279