Free 55” Toshiba Television
(too old to reply)
2009-04-23 15:44:30 UTC
Don’t get too excited: it isn’t working properly. The TV is a 55”,
standard definition, rear-projection set. The picture is crystal clear
most of the time, but every now and then it develops a bluish tinge
that comes and goes. I’m not a TV technician, but I suspect that it
may be an intermittent problem with the horizontal blue convergence. I
don’t know if the problem can be fixed inexpensively or whether the
set is beyond repair. I’m buying a new high-definition TV, so I’m
offering this set free of charge (and with no guarantees whatsoever)
to anyone who thinks he might be able to fix it or who is willing to
get it repaired. Be advised that if you take the TV, you own it and
are responsible for it—I don’t want to find it sitting in my driveway
a week later if you can’t repair it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This TV measures approximately 57” high X 47” wide X
17.5 “ deep and weighs about 150 pounds, so you are going to need a
truck or a spacious van to haul it away, as well as at least one
strong person to help you carry it out of my basement. I live in south
Ottawa, about a five minute drive from the Rideau-Carleton Raceway/
Casino on Albion Road. If you are interested, give me a call at
613-954-7043 between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm (leave a message if I’m not
available and I’ll call you back) to arrange a pick-up time. First-
come, first-served. Thanks for taking the time to read this message!
2009-05-01 11:17:09 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Don’t get too excited: it isn’t working properly. The TV is a 55”,
standard definition, rear-projection set. The picture is crystal clear
most of the time, but every now and then it develops a bluish tinge
that comes and goes. I’m not a TV technician, but I suspect that it
may be an intermittent problem with the horizontal blue convergence. I
don’t know if the problem can be fixed inexpensively or whether the
set is beyond repair. I’m buying a new high-definition TV, so I’m
offering this set free of charge (and with no guarantees whatsoever)
to anyone who thinks he might be able to fix it or who is willing to
get it repaired. Be advised that if you take the TV, you own it and
are responsible for it—I don’t want to find it sitting in my driveway
a week later if you can’t repair it.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This TV measures approximately 57” high X 47” wide X
17.5 “ deep and weighs about 150 pounds, so you are going to need a
truck or a spacious van to haul it away, as well as at least one
strong person to help you carry it out of my basement. I live in south
Ottawa, about a five minute drive from the Rideau-Carleton Raceway/
Casino on Albion Road. If you are interested, give me a call at
613-954-7043 between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm (leave a message if I’m not
available and I’ll call you back) to arrange a pick-up time. First-
come, first-served. Thanks for taking the time to read this message!
Sorry, folks, but the set has been claimed. Thanks to all who
expressed interest.
